#016 - Nuclear Security and Policy with Matthew Gentzel
Matthew Gentzel
Matthew is the Co-Lead of Longview Philanthropy’s Nuclear Weapons Policy program.
In this episode we discuss
Matthew’s journey from the Airforce Academy to fire engineering, AI policy, and nuclear security
Many topics related to nuclear security and international policy
Artificial Intelligence and it’s implications for influence operations
The benefits of developing broad situation awareness and diverse teams in policy
Longview Philanthropy’s key grantmaking areas
How to get into policy as an engineer
How Matthew has approached career planning and career change
Top resources
Co-Authored Open AI paper: Forecasting potential misuses of language models for disinformation campaigns and how to reduce risk
ISODARCO - International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts
Nuclear Scholars Initiative at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)
Think tanks
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Chatham House (UK)
Richard Hamming at Bell Labs — You and Your Research
Matthew Gentzel
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:20 Matthew
00:02:08 Matthew's background
00:22:23 US National Security Commission on AI
00:35:08 Open AI
00:46:36 Nulcear risk reduction
01:02:12 Longview Philanthropy grantmaking
01:45:11 Engineers in policy
01:51:18 Communication skills
01:58:01 Career planning and decision making
02:10:25 Entering the policy field
02:15:29 Transferable skills for policy
02:27:02 Outro